Icon Jolly Geologist

Jolly Geologist

The Jolly Geologist is able to find new deposits much faster than the standard Geologist
Speed: complete tasks twice as fast
Duration: 1 minute (2 minutes)
Duration: 2 minutes, 30 seconds (5 minutes)
Duration: 15 minutes (30 minutes)
Duration: 30 minutes (1 hour)
Duration: 2 hours (4 hours)
Duration: 2 hours (4 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)



Price Category Available Quantity Item
300 x
1 x
Specialist Jolly Geologist
4000 x
1 x
1 x
Specialist Jolly Geologist


Bundle Price Category Available Quantity Contains
3999 x
1 x
1 x
Specialist Jolly Geologist