Icon Archeological Geologist

Archeological Geologist

Has a chance of finding treasure when successfully discovering certain deposits. This can be a deposit refiller, a buff or even a book.
Speed: complete tasks twice as fast
Treasure: when performing tasks Find coal deposit, Find gold deposit, Find granite deposit, Find titanium deposit, Find saltpeter deposit
Duration: 1 minute (2 minutes)
Duration: 2 minutes, 30 seconds (5 minutes)
Duration: 15 minutes (30 minutes)
Duration: 30 minutes (1 hour)
Duration: 2 hours (4 hours)
Duration: 2 hours (4 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)
Duration: 4 hours (8 hours)



Price Category Available Quantity Item
1495 x
2 x
1 x
Specialist Archeological Geologist